Xiaomi launched two new affordable earphones - Mi Earphones Basic and Mi Earphones in India on Tuesday. The price of Mi Earphone Basic is Rs 399 and it will be available to customers in Black and Red color options. The price of Mi Earphones is priced at Rs 699 and these customers will be available to the customers in the black and silver color options. Both products will be able to purchase from the company's official website.
The Mi Earphone Basic has been tagged with Design for India and will come with features from the ultra-low base and aluminum alloy chamber jam. According to Shaomi's claim, this headset will be equipped with 3rd Generation Balance Damping System, which will work to improve the sound and air flow. It will get balanced audio output.
Like other earphones, the AUX jack of this earphone has also been diverted to a 45-degree angle so that it can increase its durability. It also has play/pause / onscreen control and a microphone.
Speaking of Mi Earphones, it has been given a dynamic base and metal sound chamber. There is also the volume and the onscreen / end call button. Also, the Kevlar fiber cable has been given to increase durability in the headset. Apart from this, the 3rd Generation Balance Damping System has been given to create Transparent Sound.
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