Vivo India has launched its new smartphone Vivo Y71 in India. Talk about its great features, it features full view displays, narrow bezel and face unlock features. The price of this smartphone has been kept at Rs 10,990. Customers will be able to purchase it from both platforms online and offline. Customers will be able to purchase it from Flipkart, Amazon, and Petty from April 16. These smartphones will be available to customers in Gold and Matt Black Color options.
Vivo Y71 specifications
Vivo Y71 Android 8.1 with Dual SIM support runs on the Orion based company's own custom skin feature. It has a 6-inch full view display with 18: 9 ratio. It has a Qualcomm Snapdragon 425 processor with 3GB of RAM.
Speaking of the camera section, the Vivo Y71 has a 13-megapixel camera with PDAF in the rear, while the front has a 5-megapixel camera for a selfie. The company has informed that this smartphone has a light optimization feature in the rear camera which will help in the light condition.
The internal memory of Vivo Y71 is 16GB. Customers will get 3360mAh of battery on this smartphone. Apart from all these features, its facial recognition feature can do other things as well. As its Smart Lose Volume recognizes when the user is watching on the screen and automatically volumes down the alarm, incoming calls and message alerts.
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