The SOL REPUBLIC has launched two new wireless headphones Riley Sports Wireless and Shadow Wireless in India. Their price has been kept at Rs 4,990 and Rs 5,990 respectively. The company will also extend its audio products in India in the coming days. During this year, new wireless headphones and portable Bluetooth speakers will be seen in India this year. Customers can buy them from the Amazon India site.
Relay Sports Wireless:
According to the company's claim, it can be operated for more than 8 hours after a single charge. It has been made with a sweat and water-resistant design. The company has claimed that its earbuds are very low and can be easily fitted in the ears. Customers will also get Deep Base and Crisp Sound. Its special feature is that the award-winning FreeFlex ™ security has been fitted in it.
Shadow Wireless:
This is a neckband design headphone, which is designed specifically to stay comfortable. This headphone is water resistant and has built-in microphone and remote. It has Bluetooth support and according to the company's claim, its battery will last up to 8 hours. It has also given different ear tips according to the convenience of the users.
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