Friday, 23 March 2018

Facebook data leak: Voters' minds vary from Cambridge Analyca, these people live in the team


Social Media

About five million Facebook users have been accused of stealing personal information on Cambridge Analytica, a Donald Trump helping the US presidential election. Cambridge Analyca based on this data created an atmosphere for Donald Trump to win in the presidential election. In India, Cambridge Analyco's parent company Strategic Communications Laboratories (SCL) works with many local political parties, together with Olevano Business Intelligence (OBI), a local company. Let us know how this firm influences public opinion in particular in elections.

First Data Study

For this work, the company gets information about people's e-mails, contact numbers, locations, etc. Cambridge Analycia (CA) claims that it studies the data from the changes in people's behavior and provides them with the necessary data and its analysis to help their client win the election. For this, he uses prediction analytics, behavioral science, and data-based advertising technology. The company studies the behavior of voters by extending the data of users on a large scale and also tries to influence them through their targeted advertisements and campaigns on social media and digital platforms.

Hire does great to the giants

The company hires workers, researchers, data scientists, and sometimes political parties for analyzing data. The company team consists of experienced philanthropists, expertise specialists, experienced researchers, digital marketing strategists and content creators, who have done Ph.D. with PhDs, experienced strategists, presidential elections and many national-international election campaigns. All these people identify together different categories of audiences and run campaigns from fundraising, persuading people and motivating them to vote.

Such change ideas

After getting information about a person's political tilt, the company runs such political campaigns, using direct mail, social media push, specially prepared visual, language etc., to change its thinking.

The company says on the website to woo its clients, "We identify the voters who can be turned away from their sides and bring them to the ballot box by adding them in a creative way."

Went the trump in this way

Significantly, Cambridge Analyca has worked in more than 200 elections worldwide. But his biggest achievement so far is to work for the Republican Party in 2016 US Presidential Elections and help Trump win. It is believed that the company identified the voters with no special inclination and played a key role in making Trump favor.

The company analyzed millions of data points, constantly monitored them and identified the easily recognized voters. The company sent them messages on important occasions by targeting them. All this could happen many times and at very low cost.

In the US election, Cambridge Analyca contacted 17 voters in 17 states and watched the progress of Trump's campaigning campaign. Cambridge Analyte gave a daily report in the last month of the campaign and gave fresh statistics about how the voters' opinion changed.

Survey information

The company acquired precious internal information in every state, surveyed 1,500 people and made strategic efforts with its help. Because of this, the company was able to get the reaction of state-wise political events and it was understood that there was no unexpected change in the intention of the voters. The company surveyed online and over phone among 1,80,000 people from 17 states. Information about people from voting history to their car was obtained in this. Through this, it was tried to get information about which voters can support Donald Trump.

According to the views of the voters

Digital marketing structure was used to support all aspects of the campaign to impress voters. The company had tied up with more than 30 ad tech partners. The company used its data infrastructure to target those voters which can be effectively impacted. For example, if a voter used to worry about healthcare, he would have got to see ads that explained Trump's perspective about health.

Inspiration to go to the voting booth

Several types of tools were used for marketing such as social media, search engine advertising, and YouTube. When the thinking of the voters was affected, then they were encouraged to join special campaigns. With this, the fundraising of the Republican Party began to increase, crowds grew in gatherings and inactive voters were motivated to vote on election day by making a large number of activists active.

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