Intex launched Intex Aqua Lions E3 in India on Tuesday. Last month the company launched the Aqua Lions T1 Basic version Aqua T1 Lite. The price of this smartphone has been kept at Rs 5,499. However, in the official website of the company, its price is 6,999. This smartphone has been launched in Gujarat in an exclusive partnership with Pujara Telecom.
As a launch offer, an investment cashback of Rs 2,200 is being given by Reliance Geo. For this, buyers will have to recharge their Rs. 198 or Rs 299 in their live number. After this, 44 cashback vouchers of 50 rupees will be given on My Geo app.
Speaking of the features of Intex Aqua Lions E3, this smartphone with dual SIM support has a 5-inch HD display with 720x1280 pixel resolution. This smartphone runs on Android 7.0 Nougat. It has a 1.3GHz quad-core Spreadtrum SC9832A processor with 2GB RAM and Mali 400 GPU.
There is an 8-megapixel camera in the rear of this smartphone and the front has a 5-megapixel camera for a selfie. Also, the LED flash is also available on the rear camera. The Aqua Lions E3's internal memory is 16GB, it can be increased to 32GB with the help of cards. In terms of connectivity, it has 4G VoLTE, WLAN, Bluetooth, FM radio, 3.5mm audio jack and a micro-USB 2.0 port. Its battery is 2500mAh. These customers will be available only in the black color option.
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