The Micromax Bharat 5 Pro smartphone has been launched in India. The biggest feature of this smartphone is its battery which is 5000mAh. It also has a reverse charging feature so this smartphone can be used as a power bank. Apart from this, the Face Unlock feature is also included.
The price of Micromax Bharat 5 Pro is Rs 7,999 in India. This price will be compatible with the base model of Redmi 5. If compared to Redmi 5, its base model has 2GB RAM and 16GB of storage, while Bharat 5 Pro has 3GB of RAM and 32GB internal storage.
Micromax Bharat 5 Pro specifications
Bharat 5 Pro with Dual SIM support runs on Android nuggets. It has a 5.2-inch HD (720x1280 pixel) display. It has a 1.3GHz quad-core processor with 3GB DDR3 RAM. Talking about the camera, the rear has a 13-megapixel camera and the LED flash is also provided. On the front, a 5-megapixel camera with LED flash has been given for selfie.
Micromax Bharat 5 Pro has 32GB of storage, which can be increased with the help of the card. In terms of connectivity, it has 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi, USB OTG, besides standard connectivity options. Its battery is 5000mAh and this is its biggest strength. Its standby time is 3 weeks.
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