Twitter has continued its action against 'tweeters' and canceled many famous accounts. These accounts have been canceled to stack Tweets and to make massive changes to make the tweet a viral.
According to Bhaagfeed, these accounts include @Dory, @GirlPosts, @SoDamnTrue, Girl Code / @ reiatabie, Common White Girl / @commWhiteGiri, @teenagernotes, @finah, @holyfag, and @memeprovider, which have been processed.
According to the news of the news, many of these accounts are of very famous people whose millions are fans in the number. In addition to stealing tweets of people without credit, some of these accounts are known as 'tweeters'.
Tweetedking is a violation of Twitter's spam policy, which does not allow users to sell, buy, or articulately interact with the account's conversations. According to Twitter rules, the violation of these policies is the basis of a permanent suspension.
Last week, a study conducted by three scholars of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) found that false news is spreading bigger, deeper and wider, rather than true political news on Twitter.
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