Oak Ridge. Y-12. Los Alamos. For drone operators, it appears these and four other Department of Energy nuclear research facilities were theoretically placed an unmanned aircraft could have been flown. And for the next week and a half that remains the case until new FAA restrictions take effect on December 29th.
Yes, by all accounts nothing on the FAA's books prevented the extraordinarily brave or the profoundly stupid from buzzing a quadcopter near the laboratory where the Manhattan Project unfolded.
We've reached out to learn what non-drone restrictions existed prior, and why specific language regarding unmanned flight was necessary.
Although the FAA has been steadily cracking down on where drones can be operated, somehow the Grand Coulee Dam's safety was given consideration nearly three months before, well, places that deal (or dealt) with government secrets and hazardous materials handling. Weird!
Again, we've contacted the FAA to ask what compelling exceptions might exist wherein a drone operator would be allowed to fly anywhere near these structures. Personally, nothing comes to mind.
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