In India, the Pixel 2 (with 64GB storage) is set to sold at Rs. 61,000 and the 128GB variant is set to sold at Rs. 71,000. Moreover Pixel 2 XL costs Rs. 73,000 (for 64GB variant) and Rs. 82,000 (for 128GB variant).
After this, a flat discount of Rs. 11,001 is added to Google Pixel 2 price which makes its selling price to Rs. 49,999. Moreover, users using credit/debit card will get additional 10,000 off on the phone, which will make the phone to be sold at Rs. 39,999.
This offer on Google Pixel 2 is starting from December 7 and will be end on December 9.
These discount and cashbacks brings down the price of Pixel 2 and puts it in the price bracket nearest to OnePlus 5T.
Google Pixel 2 Look:
Pixel 2 has a 5-inch Full HD display with the standard 16:9 aspect ratio. It also has a fingerprint scanner on its back. On the other hand, Google Pixel 2 XL, comes with a 6-inch P-OLED display with 18:9 aspect ratio.
Google Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL both packed up with a Snapdragon 835 processor with 4GB RAM. The internal storage of the device could not be expanded but Google will give unlimited storage for photos, videos at the highest resolution and these can be backed up to the Google Photos app.
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